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Wholesale pearl earrings : Pearl auctions

Wholesale pearl earrings : Pearl auctions

Source: Poe Vira Vira, April 2008 (courtesy of Jewellery News Asia, April 2008, reference: Wholesale pearl earrings )

wa mj ar pearls wholesaleThe international pearl auctions held in February and March 2008 in Hong Kong concluded with good results, although buyers generally adopted a more cautious attitude amid worries over the slow moving US economy. (reference: wholesale pearl earrings )

PASPALEY: Commenting on prices, chairman of Kobe–based Hosei Co Ltd, Yoshihiro Shimuzi, noted that prices were stable for cleaner better quality merchandise that were in demand, but were softer for spotted or lower quality items. (reference: wholesale pearl earrings )

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Leung Sik Wah, director of Hong Kong-based Cogent Trading Co Ltd, and co-organizer at the Paspaley auction commented that buyers adopted a “wait and see” attitude in the face of economic uncertainties. “Nobody knows what will happen in three to six months’ time. Given the sub-prime issue and falling stock markets, buyers have become more cautious — buying just what they need and being less willing to stock up”. The 38th Paspaley Pearl Auction, a three-day event, sold 148,769 pieces (420 kg) of white and golden South Sea pearls or 64% of the total on offer. Average price per pearl was USD 88.23. Buyers attendance was high (105) and Europeans topped the buyers list, thanks to the strong Euro. Large sizes and baroques captured the attention of buyers at the Paspaley Hong Kong auction. Several lots consisted of only one pearl, mostly 16 mm, and fetched high prices. The one with the highest per-gram price was a 16 mm (6.18 g) white pearl with pinkish overtones which sold for USD 4,137. Over 20 lots of baroques on offer were bid for strongly. Lot #552 containing nine baroques of 20 mm and above fetched USD 35,284. (reference: wholesale pearl earrings )

ROBERT WAN: Marked price increases were reported at the 39th Robert Wan Tahiti Perles Auction, which fetched 3.89 million Euros, or USD 5.94 million for the 124,633 pearls (283.3 kg) sold at an average price per pearl of 31.04 Euros/USD 47.67. Robert Wan was very happy with the auction because not only was the price maintained, more pearls of better luster and better colours and more larger pearls were available. A larger quantity of 12–14 mm pearls were on offer. Prices were considerably higher overall due to higher overall pearl quality, more bigger sizes and better sorting said Mr Shimuzu of Hosei. President of Wong’s Diamond and Pearls Co Ltd in Hong Kong, Wong Yik Nin, estimated an average price increase of 10%. Buyer attendance was high with Japan remaining the top buying market followed by United States and Great Britain (reference: wholesale pearl earrings )

POE RAVA NUI: The 8th Poe Rava Nui Tahiti Pearl Auction sold 77% of pearls on offer, with a total sale value of around 3 million Euros, or USD 4.6 million. The average size of the pearls on offer was about 1.4 g. Larger pearls of the 13 mm to 18 mm sizes received strong bids especially from buyers in Europe and the US. (reference: wholesale pearl earrings )
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