Water Pearls Wholesale : VARIETIES OF PEARLS
( Foto Source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
The color of a pearl is determined by the species of mussel. Silvery-gray to black or also dark gray and green Tahiti pearls come from French Polynesia. South Sea pearls, cultivated in Lombok Pearls Indonesia, Australia and in the Philippines, vary from brilliant white and cream-colored all the way through to intensive golden tones. The colors of freshwater pearls range from white through pink to an intensive purple. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )

( foto/source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
South Sea cultured pearls are widely considered to be the queens of all pearls. They are large, rare and breathtakingly beautiful, attaining a diameter of up to 20 mm, and, in some rare cases, even more. Pale South Sea cultured pearls are produced by Pinctada maxima, one of the biggest known varieties of oyster. Th is tropical mussel, which has a diameter of up to 25 cm and weighs up to 5 kg, is the source of correspondingly valuable cultured pearls. These rare gems have a soft , velvety luster that gives them a very delicate overall appearance. Pearls grown in the Pinctada maxima oyster range in color from silvery white or cream to golden. They are cultivated on the coasts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
By selectively isolating or crossing different species of oyster, pearl cultivators constantly aim to breed pearls in new and different colors. Gold-colored pearls from the South Seas, for instance, have been on the market since the late 1970s. Until recently these pearls from the Philippines, which range in color from a very intensive gold to pale orange-tinted shades, were mainly traded in Asia. Th ere, in the past ten years, they have gone from strength to strength and, next to white South Sea pearls and the beautiful black varieties from Tahiti, have a fixed place in the standard pearl collection of any self-respecting lady. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
The Vanilla Overtone Golden Pearls now available from Miss Joaquim Pearls are the result of many years of working to isolate a subspecies of the gold-lipped Pinctada maxima from other species. The pearls tend to be a slightly paler gold in color and are therefore perfectly suited to European skins, which are likely to have far less long-term exposure to the sun. To date, only very few farmers in southern Indonesia have succeeded in breeding pearls in this rare color tone. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )

( foto/source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
Tahitian cultured pearls are known as dark South Sea cultured pearls and are cultivated exclusively in the turquoise-colored lagoons and atolls that encircle French Polynesia. These rare pearls, which have a diameter of 8 to 16 mm (even larger in some rare cases), are produced by the black-lipped Pinctada margaritifera oyster. Apart from their size, the mysterious colors and tones are among the most enchanting characteristic of Tahitian pearls. This iridescent play of colors ranges from pale, silvery gray through to dark green, luxurious anthracite and jet black. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
Fijian pearls are likewise the product of the black-lipped oyster and thrive in the completely unspoilt waters around the island of Vanua Levu to the north of Fiji. Farmed only in small numbers, Fijian cultured pearls come in shimmering nuances of natural pistachio-green and other pastel tones that seem to refl ect the lush vegetation of this South Sea paradise. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )

( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
Just over 100 years ago, akoya-gai, as the Japanese call the Pinctada martensii oyster, was the source of the first cultured pearls of them all. The akoya pearl stands out head and shoulders above all other cultured pearls when it comes to the most fascinating and highly valued quality criterion of them all : luster. Th is explains why they have been so highly sought aft er on the world’s markets ever since they first appeared in 1921. It is also considered to be the most classic and feminine type of pearl. Today, akoya pearls are available in sizes from approximately 6 to 10 mm in diameter. Strings of pearls averaging 9.5 to 10 mm in good quality are more of a rarity. The best of all akoya cultured pearls, which also satisfy Bucherer’s exacting demands, still come from Japan. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )

( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
The myriad shapes and colors, combined with the attractive prices of cumingii cultured pearls, have enabled them to assume a new, young and feminine image. Unlike akoya and South Sea cultured pearls grown in salt water, which always have a mother-of-pearl core, freshwater pearls are as a rule coreless. Cumingii pearls are produced either by the Hyriopsis cumingii mussel or by crossing with the Hyriopsis schlegeli mussel. This kind of mussel is considerably larger than the akoya oyster and capable of producing several pearls at once. With few exceptions, almost all cultures are found in southern China. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )

( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
Research into pearl cultivation continues undiminished, and it is now possible to cultivate freshwater pearls with a core. All previous attempts had garnered little success and resulted merely in the production of a few Japanese pearls known as kasumiga. Th e “new” freshwater pearls with a core come from the same mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii / Hyriopsis schlegeli) and are cultivated in China. They are reputed to have been called Ming pearls in honor of the great emperors of the mighty Ming dynasty. ( source: Water Pearls Wholesale )
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